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Creating a New Data Table

Started ‎11-08-2022 by
Modified ‎11-08-2022 by
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You use the New Table function to create a new data table. Because there are no required arguments, you can create an empty, untitled data table by just using the function with nothing in the parentheses. But, there are several optional arguments that you'll typically use. The first unnamed argument is a character string that sets the name of the data table. There are also named arguments, including ones that add a specified number of rows, or make new data columns. Many of these arguments, in turn, take arguments of their own. For example, the code shown here creates a new table named Cars that has rows, and three columns: Make, Model, and Year. You could include other optional arguments for the table, such as making it invisible or adding a table variable or script. And of course you could supply additional arguments in the New Column specifications.