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Well Plate DOE in Custom Design (24-plate, 96-plate and 384-plate)

These files provide a template for creating a Custom Design for well plates.  The well plates may be configured as 24 well (4x6), 96 well (8x12) or 384 well (16x24).  All three files contain rows for a 10 plate experiment.  If fewer than 10 plates are going to be used, the tables can be subsetted.  If more than 10 plates are going to be used, additional rows will have to be added by cut-and-paste, then the plate number will have to be adjusted manually.  There are three embedded scripts in each file for randomizing how the plates are filled, one for complete randomization, one for filling the rows in order but randomizing on the columns, one for filling the columns in order but randomizing on the rows.  To use these files with Custom Design, follow the following sequence.  1) Open the appropriate template file.  2) Subset the template to the number of plates being used for the experiment.  3) Use one of the embedded scripts to sort the table to get the desired randomization.  4) Enter Custom Design.  5) In the Factors outline node, click Add Factor and select Covariate.  6) In the pop-up window for selecting columns of covariates, select Plate, Row and Col.  7) Add the response(s) and design factors for the experiment using the normal procedure.  8) Click Continue.  9) Make the normal adjustments for constraints and effects, then click Make Design.  The assumption is that the robut will fill the wells in the sequence order of the runs.  This will reflect the randomization determined during step 3.

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